The Falkland Island Caracara is a large hardy species and has a social lifestyle. Having outstayed their welcome with their parents, the young caracaras flock together and roam around testing, scavenging and catching any available prey.
They are not a welcome sight on farmsteads and are often accused of killing young stock. We have successfully bred Falkland Island Caracaras over a number of years. We have chosen Caracaras as our main bird of prey aviary exhibit as they are colourful, active and easily tamed.
All of our birds are domestically bred. It is against the law to take or tamper with native, wild birds of prey in the UK.
Scientific Name:
Phalcoboenus australis
Not Evaluated
Up to 1250mm
1000g to1200g
Life Span in Wild:
Spreading from the sea shore out across open grassland