Probably the most recognised of the birds we keep. The Harris Hawk is a prolific predator who’s habit of living in small family flocks mean that it has developed an easily understood vocabulary of postures & calls, including happy, sleepy, irritable, danger etc. George, our male Harris Hawk hatched in 1996.
He is now fully mature and capable of breeding. However as far too many Harris Hawks are domestically bred each year this is an option we will not pursue. Harris Hawks have a normal domestic lifespan exceeding 20 years. Too many people consider the Harris Hawk a ‘beginners’ bird and this is not a good way to view a bird of prey, or any other animal. They cannot be put aside as one runs out of time, interest or patience.
We actively discourage people from taking up keeping birds of prey. Bird watching is a much more rewarding hobby and can be dipped into whenever the mood takes you.
Scientific Name:
Parabuteo unicinctus
Least concern
Up to 1200mm
700g to 1633g
Life Span in Wild:
Dry to arid areas with scattered trees & bushes